This is how we do it!

For starters, nobody makes money off the product orders except you.

Let me explain:

I make no money off the products that you buy to put in your stores, but I do make money by allowing you to sell a selection of my products for a licensing fee of $200 and that particular agreement is indefinite.

So let’s say you want to get a set of five TOP NINE logos on coffee mugs.  So we make a standing agreement through email at about the number of mugs you want and which logos.  I’m going to say for example that 1,000 units of products is standard for a minimum order from a factory.  I can’t imagine that any of your boutiques are going to order that much.  So, I have to collect enough standing orders for a product from multiple boutiques before I can go to the factory and produce.

The process for this is quite simple.  I will catalogue the order for the licensing deal and a payment is made on hold.  Upon production of the product I will submit to you the final WHOLESALE cost of the product to you and the amount you will pay for your order and shipping & handling.


You can sell my product how ever you want.  You can get stunt doubles riding off the roof of your store and then in your store drinking coffee all afternoon if you think that will help.


I forgot to mention ROYALTIES.  If you send in a rendition of my Crankshaft logo and I put it up on the site and people start to license it out for different orders… I will make it very clear which orders have included your designs.