Condoms with designs on the condom

Since my first product is going to be condoms for Crankshaft I have decided to not only focus on the packaging but also on decorating your shaft that matches the packaging.  SO now your internal crank and your shaft can work together.

Check back in the future for draft designs.

Does anyone know where to get something like the following made?:



Since the audible version of sex is not considered porn… I thought I would make up a word for this wonderful turn on.  Take a minute to stay here and listen to what happens; if there is no audio go to the bottom of the page and turn on the audio and be patient.  (Especially you eagers.)

As I went across the bridge, I met a man with a load of wood which was neither straight nor crooked. What kind of wood was it?

I like this one because of the wording.  I believe Crankshaft is neither straight nor crooked myself.  Maybe I should take more time to compare myself to this riddle.

I can brake down the second sentence and it gives Crankshaft meaning as well.  As for why I have to cross the bridge I don’t know.  Maybe because the bridge is made of wood and and straight lumber and the water underneath is crooked in the turning stream.  I’ll have to think about how that would give you the answer.

I will probably still have to post the answer.

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?

When something like Crankshaft is stuck on you, sometimes it is hard to scrape it off and put it down.  Sometimes I just have to live with Crankshaft like a third eye.  Even if I know it doesn’t appeal to everyone, I still try to make it mainstream.  If there was one thing in my life that would make me happy (It would be nice to be happy with Michelle forever too) it would be that Crankshaft goes viral.

But the more I try to more of a nuisance it becomes to people.  But I’m only playing with a small deck of cards that I call my friends.  It’s almost like I’m an insurance salesman trying to sell life insurance or any other kind like flood insurance to them, to people that are happy healthy and strong and not in any kind of flood plain.

So I keep trying, and I will keep trying.  I think most people think what I’m doing is dirty.  This is circumstantial evidence of what is really going on because I don’t get a lot of feed back.  Makes me want to quit, but I can’t.  I have had fun and memories built on Crankshaft, so that gives me hope that this dog will one day really have his day!

I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall.

I kind of feel like the answer to this riddle, this is not the answer but this is how I put it… a boy in a man’s body.  Boy do I wish I was trying to sell Crankshaft when I was ten years younger.

Oh yea, I did and I made money.  But it seemed so hard to make a $100 bucks back then.  But I have to tell you it seems even harder now.  I should have taken the $100 in my early twenties and kept going with, before all my friends started having families and what not to consider this here a sin.

Crankshaft is a beautiful thing to me now and so was it then.  I want an adult life and I wanted when, when I first came up with this and rated it a ten.  I think you all like but know what to do with it if I put it on the side of a tin pen.

So what do I do now boy from then? I’m a grown man now trying to win.

Pronounced as one letter and written as three. Two letter there are and two only in me. I’m double, I’m single, I’m blue, green, and gray. I’m read from both ends and the same either way. What am I?

This makes me think about the blind leading the blind.  But when you are just one blind man then who is leading you.  When there is no comparison and there is no one to follow and no one to lead, then how are you to find your way?

That is how I feel about Crankshaft.  I would like people to follow but no one seems to find the path.  I’m bush whacking my way so maybe the path is already grown over.  I think I am a revolutionary in terms of business, design, and conception of logos. You be the judge, check out the logos on the other page and let me know what you think.

If you are scared or think this is a sin, then maybe use your third eye blind to look at them.  That should get you there and enjoy the small bliss that keeps on giving.